Monday, July 29, 2013

Movie Review: How to Train Your Dragon (2010) Part 1:

Warning: Naughty language, kids.

So before I start, I have to say that once again, the music in this movie in A+. So from now on I will be doing a music rating on every movie I review.

HTTYD: 9/10 dragons

The movie starts with a lovely narration from our main character, Hiccup. He basically talks about how Viking life sucks, even their names are terrible. The narration leads into a dragon attack in which the dragons try to steal the Viking’s livestock. We see Hiccup running around and everyone is like: “No.” You can already tell he’s not the most popular guy in the village. Gerard Butler catches him and tells him to get inside. Gerard’s character is named Stoick, he’s a tough guy. Whoa, shocking.

We discover that Hiccup is a blacksmith apprentice who works for Stoick’s BFF, Gobber. As he’s still narrating there is a cool kid shot in which we find out who is most likely to be mean to Hiccup and which girl he has a crush on. Hiccup goes on about wanting to make a mark by killing a dragon, but Gobber is firmly against the idea, along with the entire village. Hiccup is stubborn though, he even builds his own gadgets and the skill comes in handy throughout the movie.

Hiccup goes over the different breeds of dragons. There are seven in this movie: the Deadly Nadder, the Gronckle, the Hideous Zippleback, the Monstrous Nightmare, the Terrible Terror (not introduced in the beginning of the movie but still relevant), and the Night Fury. It’s obvious that the Night Fury will be the main dragon because it’s so mysterious and badass. So in his quest to be a real Viking, Hiccup decides to go for the Night Fury. Reasonable choice, dude. Once Gobber leaves to fight, Hiccup sneaks out with his net throwing wheelbarrow thing hoping to catch a dragon.

By some miracle (i.e. the need to move the plot forward) Hiccup hit the Night Fury. But while he’s celebrating he attracts the attention of a Monstrous Nightmare and a chase ensues.  Stoick rescues him, albeit annoyed by the task. Oh, and we find out that Stoick is Hiccup’s dad; obvious drama device.  Hiccup also accidentally gets stuff destroyed and the captured dragons escape with the livestock. No one is happy with him. He gets sent home despite his insistence that he hit a Night Fury, but he sneaks out anyway because yolo.

There’s a town meeting to discuss going after the dragon nest again, a quest that apparently never goes well. But Stoick, also the village leader, threatens everyone with the responsibility of looking after Hiccup, and that gets everyone raring to go. It’s supposed to be funny but upon further analysis it’s sad. I like him. He’s awkward and smart, what’s not to like?

Anyway, Stoick tells Gobber that he has to stay and train the new recruits, meaning the cool kids. In retaliation, Gobber persuades Stoick to put Hiccup in the train program to prepare him because he will try no matter what. He’s like his dad that way. It’s also nice to see the friendship between Stoick and Gobber. Even the relationship between Hiccup and Gobber is shown, and it’s clear that Gobber is a longtime family friend.
Meanwhile, Hiccup is out in the forest trying to find the Night Fury; but just like with everything else, he’s pretty shit at it. Look at his map, what the hell is that? I can just hear Merida’s voice, and it’s saying: “Aw, wee lamb.” You know Merida, right? The main chick from Brave. But thanks to the fact that the story needs to keep moving, he manages to find it after some self-loathing and getting hit by a tree. He pulls out a tiny knife that looks to be extremely effective, and has a moment of victory until the Night Fury is like: “I’m still alive asshole.”

Then is gets intense and Hiccup tries to kill him but can’t for reasons he doesn’t yet understand so he cuts the Night Fury free. It tackles him and we get a gorgeous eye shot. Seriously, there’s so much detail. I love animation so much. So the Night Fury leaves, but its flying is wonky. What’s wrong with the dragon? Hiccup, you fucked him up.

Hiccup gets home and his dad tells him he is going into training while Hiccup tries to tell him he can’t kill dragons. His dad is not listening. Stoick insists about him wanting to kill dragons, and Hiccup keeps trying to say: “No, dude, I seriously know I can’t.” But Stoick wins and leaves to find the nest. They don’t have the best goodbye ever. Stoick just doesn’t appreciate who his son is; he only focuses on who he wants his son to be. I just get really emotional over father/son relationships.

The next day brings dragon training with the cool kids and Hiccup. The cool kids are: Ruffnut and Tuffnut (twins), Fishlegs (dork), Astrid (love interest), and Snotlout (Jerk). They are not happy with Hiccup being there. Gobber is a great teacher because the first thing they do is fight a Gronckle. They all get blasted with fireballs, and last two are Hiccup and Astrid and we see that she is annoyed by Hiccup’s incompetence. Hiccup almost gets killed but Gobber saves him. Gobber also teaches them about dragons and how they work, but he’s also teaching us at the same time. One thing he said that stick with Hiccup is that: “Dragons always go for the kill.”

But Hiccup is like: “Wait a minute.” He goes back to the forest and once again finds the Night Fury who is trapped a ravine thing. But it’s nice ravine, it has a lake and everything. He just can’t get out because he can’t fly. The first connection they have is the eye contact after Hiccup is loud trying to draw him (hint: with only one tail fin thing). It’s like: “Hey, I remember you.”

By the time he gets back to the village it’s dinner time and Gobber is going over who did what wrong. So of course, the conversation turns mean towards Hiccup who is sitting alone. I think that’s why people love Hiccup so much, they can relate, which makes me sad. Why can’t we all just love each other and hang out or have orgies and shit? I feel like the world would be happier that way. Back to the movie: we are introduced to the Book of Dragons, which goes over more types of dragons and we learn how violent the Vikings think dragons are and how little they know about the Night Fury. It makes you want to meet all of the dragons; some of them are really fucking cool.

There is a short scene of Stoick and company on the ships outside of a fog bank of doom. They go in and there is an intense shot of the fog lighting up with fire, showing the silhouette of a dragon before the scene cuts. Shit is going down.

 It’s training day two: and Hiccup is asking about Night Furies and getting distracted in the Deadly Nader maze. Basically in every training scene, the audience learns more about dragons. Today’s lesson: blind spots. Astrid is on a roll, she’s the best and not interested in Snotlout’s douchey advances. Hiccup once again gets in Astrid’s way but she manages to beat the Nadder, and then proceed to yell at Hiccup.

After training, Hiccup goes back to the ravine thing. He comes bearing fish as a peace offering and the Night Fury sneaks up on him much like a cat. It makes Hiccup get rid of his knife and then it’s like mean dragon is gone and is replaced with an adorable creature with dog and cat behaviors that can retract its teeth so it can be…toothless. It’s the cutest scene ever. Toothless, the now named dragon, throws up the fish body for Hiccup to eat; which he does. It’s nasty. Then he tries to mimic Hiccup’s smile. IT’S SO CUTE!

There is a montage of cute as Hiccup tries to pet Toothless but he won’t let him. Toothless tries to sleep but Hiccup tries to pet again. At one point Hiccup is drawing toothless and so Toothless tries to draw him. It looks big and elaborate but it’s just squiggles. More cuteness. But Toothless is proud and won’t let Hiccup step on it. At the end of the day Toothless lets Hiccup touch his snout before he runs off. They’re bonding! I mean the music was kind of cheesy but it worked.

Hiccup goes to dinner and Gobber telling the story of how he lost his hand and foot. Snotlout gets passionate about it. His line made me laugh for five days. We also learn that a downed dragon is a dead dragon and Hiccup has a light bulb moment. Also, the winner of the training program gets to face off against a Monstrous Nightmare in front of village. This is important.

Next is a montage of Hiccup working and building stuff. Whoa, it’s a tail for Toothless. Toothless’ face is priceless when Hiccup puts it on him. He distracted him with fish and Hiccup learned that dragons don’t like eels. Toothless tries to fly with Hiccup still sat on his tail and when the tail isn’t stretched taut, Toothless falls.
            The next training session is against a Zippleback. It isn’t going well until Hiccup wins by scaring the dragon back into its cage with a concealed eel. No one knows that though and their faces are amazing. Reaction shots are the best. Hiccup is still terrible with physical and fighting stuff, but he’s using his smarts and inside knowledge. Four for you, Hiccup.

Back in the shop, Hiccup makes a saddle and pulley system for the fake tail. Cue montage. This one is a series of intermixed scenes of Hiccup winning at training with his secret knowledge and how he and Toothless are improving their flying system. It’s back and forth with improvement on both fronts. People actually like Hiccup now, except Astrid. She wants to win the chance to fight the dragon but Hiccup is stealing her thunder. She almost catches him sneaking off to see Toothless, but he’s stealthier than we give him credit for. At another point, the latch that holds Hiccup to Toothless breaks so he has to sneak Toothless into the village to fix it. Astrid almost catches them again, but Toothless is fast. The point is that she knows something is up.

I’m ending this one here. It’s a weird place to stop but I don’t care. See you next week. Don’t forget to yolo.

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